We work to protect the skies of Chile

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Why is it important to protect dark skies?

Ícono telescopio


Dark skies are necessary for astronomy and the study of the universe.

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Ícono telescopio


Humans need the night to maintain good physical and mental health.

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Ícono telescopio


The night is fundamental for the reproduction and migration of many species.

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Ícono telescopio


Observing the night skies has been key to the development of societies.

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Ícono telescopio


Caring for the skies through efficient lighting allows for creating safer spaces.

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By the end of the decade, Chile will concentrate over 60% of global astronomical observation capacity.

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Flecha abajo

Light Pollution

Today, dark skies are affected by excessive artificial lighting. Some of its effects are:

Ícono astrología Astronomy

A 10% increase in sky brightness would mean a 12% loss of the original capacity of optical telescopes.

Ícono astrología Energy

More than 30% of the energy used for lighting is wasted due to poor design.

Ícono astrología Health

Light pollution can increase the risk of developing breast cancer by 10 to 14%.

Ícono astrología Flora and Fauna

60% of invertebrates and 30% of vertebrates are nocturnal, so light pollution increases biodiversity loss.

Join the protection of dark skies

Enter glowatch.cl and report light pollution cases in your city:

  1. Go to glowatch.cl.
  2. Click on the WhatsApp icon.
  3. Answer the questions.
  4. Attach a photo of the case.
  5. Your report has been created.

New Lighting Norm

The new lighting regulation's main objective is to control exterior lighting emissions to prevent light pollution throughout the country.

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Forma olas blancas

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